
Some Personal Observations of Japan

I recently had the opportunity to go on a once-in-a-lifetime trip to Japan with my father, my father's friend, and my father's friend's son. It wasn't just my first time visiting the country, it was also my first time visiting Asia. I was originally scheduled to visit Japan back in May 2020, but the arrival of COVID-19 threw a wrench into my travel plans, postponing the trip to May 2023. Now that I'm back, I can confidentally say that I had a great time. There's so much to unpack that it's impossible for me to write down all my experiences in one blog post. So to start things off, I will unveil a list of my personal observations of the country:

Of course, I should note that this list doesn't represent the entirety of Japan, and I may have forgotten to include more observations, but this should help provide anyone a good idea of what Japan is like. If you have any questions about Japan, please don't hesitate to send me an email. I'll do my best to answer them in a timely manner.

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